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ComfyUI Node: Slerp Latents

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ComfyUI Noise
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Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  ComfyUI Noise
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI Noise in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Slerp Latents Description

Perform smooth spherical linear interpolation between latent vectors for generative models and AI art creation, with optional masking.

Slerp Latents:

The BNK_SlerpLatent node is designed to perform spherical linear interpolation (SLERP) between two sets of latent vectors, which are often used in generative models and AI art creation. This node allows you to blend two different latent representations smoothly, creating intermediate states that can be useful for generating variations or transitions between different generated images. The primary benefit of using SLERP over linear interpolation is that it maintains the spherical nature of the latent space, leading to more natural and visually appealing results. This node can also optionally apply a mask to control the interpolation process, providing additional flexibility and creative control.

Slerp Latents Input Parameters:


This parameter represents the first set of latent vectors that you want to interpolate from. It is a required input and serves as the starting point for the interpolation process. The latent vectors are typically high-dimensional representations of images or other data.


The factor parameter controls the interpolation ratio between the two sets of latent vectors. It is a floating-point value ranging from 0.0 to 1.0, with a default value of 0.5. A factor of 0.0 means the output will be entirely the first set of latent vectors (latents1), while a factor of 1.0 means the output will be entirely the second set of latent vectors (latents2). Intermediate values blend the two sets proportionally.


This optional parameter represents the second set of latent vectors that you want to interpolate to. If not provided, the node will simply return a copy of the first set of latent vectors (latents1). When provided, it should have the same shape as latents1 to ensure proper interpolation.


The mask parameter is an optional input that allows you to control which parts of the latent vectors are interpolated. It is a binary mask that can selectively apply the interpolation to specific regions, providing more granular control over the blending process. If not provided, the interpolation is applied uniformly across all dimensions.

Slerp Latents Output Parameters:


The output of the BNK_SlerpLatent node is a set of latent vectors that have been interpolated between latents1 and latents2 according to the specified factor. If a mask is provided, the interpolation is applied selectively based on the mask. The resulting latent vectors can be used in subsequent nodes for generating images or other data, offering a smooth transition between the input latent states.

Slerp Latents Usage Tips:

  • To achieve a smooth transition between two generated images, set the factor parameter to intermediate values between 0.0 and 1.0.
  • Use the mask parameter to control which parts of the latent vectors are interpolated, allowing for creative effects such as blending specific features or regions.
  • Ensure that latents1 and latents2 have the same shape to avoid shape mismatch errors and achieve proper interpolation.

Slerp Latents Common Errors and Solutions:

warning, shapes in LatentSlerp not the same, ignoring

  • Explanation: This warning occurs when the shapes of latents1 and latents2 do not match, preventing proper interpolation.
  • Solution: Ensure that both latents1 and latents2 have the same shape before passing them to the node. You may need to preprocess the latent vectors to match their dimensions.

Mask shape mismatch

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the provided mask does not match the shape of the latent vectors, leading to incorrect application of the mask.
  • Solution: Verify that the mask has the same shape as the latent vectors. You may need to resize or reshape the mask to ensure compatibility.

Slerp Latents Related Nodes

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ComfyUI Noise

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