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ComfyUI Node: Detect Faces (Dlib)

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cdb-boop (Account age: 1213 days)
ComfyUI Bringing Old Photos Back to Life
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  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI Bringing Old Photos Back to Life in the search bar
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Detect Faces (Dlib) Description

Identifies and locates faces in images using dlib model for face detection and alignment in various applications.

Detect Faces (Dlib):

The BOPBTL_DetectFaces node is designed to identify and locate faces within an image using a pre-trained dlib model. This node is particularly useful for applications that require face detection as a preliminary step, such as face enhancement or blending. By leveraging advanced face detection algorithms, it can accurately pinpoint facial landmarks and align faces, making subsequent processing tasks more efficient and effective. This node is essential for workflows that involve restoring old photos, enhancing facial features, or any other task that benefits from precise face localization.

Detect Faces (Dlib) Input Parameters:


The dlib_model parameter expects a tuple containing a face detector and a landmark locator, both of which are components of the dlib library. The face detector is responsible for identifying the presence of faces in the image, while the landmark locator pinpoints specific facial features such as the eyes, nose, and mouth. This parameter is crucial for the node's operation as it provides the necessary tools for face detection and landmark identification. There are no specific minimum, maximum, or default values for this parameter, but it must be a valid dlib model.


The image parameter is a tensor representing the input image in which faces are to be detected. This image should be in the format of a PyTorch tensor with dimensions corresponding to (batch_size, channels, height, width). The image is processed to detect faces and their landmarks. The quality and resolution of the input image can significantly impact the accuracy of face detection. There are no specific minimum, maximum, or default values for this parameter, but it must be a valid image tensor.


The face_size parameter is a string that specifies the size to which detected faces should be aligned. This size is used to standardize the dimensions of the detected faces, making it easier to process them in subsequent steps. The face size should be an integer value represented as a string. There are no specific minimum, maximum, or default values for this parameter, but it must be a valid integer string.


The throw_error parameter is a boolean flag that determines whether an error should be raised if no faces are detected in the input image. If set to True, the node will raise a NoFacesDetected exception when no faces are found. This can be useful for debugging or ensuring that face detection is a mandatory step in the workflow. The default value for this parameter is False.

Detect Faces (Dlib) Output Parameters:


The face_counts parameter is a list that contains the number of faces detected in each image within the batch. This output is useful for understanding how many faces were identified and can be used to verify the effectiveness of the face detection process.


The no_faces_detected parameter is a boolean value that indicates whether any faces were detected in the input image. If True, it means no faces were found, and if False, it means at least one face was detected. This output is important for conditional processing based on the presence or absence of faces.


The aligned_faces parameter is a tensor containing the aligned faces detected in the input image. These faces are standardized to the specified face size and are ready for further processing, such as enhancement or blending. This output is crucial for workflows that require consistent face dimensions.


The faces_landmarks parameter is a list of facial landmarks for each detected face. These landmarks are essential for accurately aligning and processing faces, as they provide precise locations of key facial features. This output is important for tasks that involve detailed facial analysis or manipulation.

Detect Faces (Dlib) Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that the dlib_model parameter is correctly loaded with a valid face detector and landmark locator to achieve accurate face detection.
  • Use high-quality and well-lit images to improve the accuracy of face detection and landmark identification.
  • Set the throw_error parameter to True if you need to ensure that face detection is a mandatory step in your workflow, and handle the NoFacesDetected exception appropriately.

Detect Faces (Dlib) Common Errors and Solutions:


  • Explanation: This error occurs when no faces are detected in the input image.
  • Solution: Ensure that the input image contains clear and visible faces. You may also want to check the quality and resolution of the image. If necessary, adjust the face_size parameter to better match the expected face dimensions.


  • Explanation: This error occurs when the dlib_model parameter is not a valid tuple containing a face detector and a landmark locator.
  • Solution: Verify that the dlib_model parameter is correctly loaded with a valid dlib face detector and landmark locator. Ensure that the model paths are correct and the models are properly initialized.


  • Explanation: This error occurs when the image parameter is not a valid PyTorch tensor.
  • Solution: Ensure that the input image is a valid PyTorch tensor with the correct dimensions (batch_size, channels, height, width). Check the data type and format of the image tensor to ensure compatibility.

Detect Faces (Dlib) Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
ComfyUI Bringing Old Photos Back to Life

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